Mimì Sterrantino & Davide Campisi

After carrying around the Italian peninsula the project “Mircanti”, Mimì Sterrantino and Davide Campisi meet in the studio to create a new project entitled “Dù”. New sounds characterize the work. Davide’s frame and percussion drums and Mimì’s electric guitar are joined by an electronic component developed together with musician and sound technician Ottavio Leo.
This need for new sound research, born from the artistic need of the two songwriters, to mix their multi-ethnic Sicilian folk identity with other sound expressions.


Mimì Sterrantino banjo, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, harmonica, voice.
Davide Campisi frame drums, electronic percussion, vocals
Ottavio Leo bass, synth, vocals
Francesco Frudà acoustic guitar, electric guitar


At the age of 16, Davide Campisi began studying drums and for 15 years he studied styles and techniques of the rhythmic instruments of the popular musical tradition of southern Italy: the frame drums. From the earliest approaches to the instrument he collaborated with several nationally renowned musicians. Today he continues his research on the ancestral rhythms of the island’s heart by experimenting on its drums new and contemporary forms of sound and expressive techniques that have found space in the shows of the umpteenth group of ethnic music I Petri Ca Addumunu (of which he was a founding member) and in his own solo career as well as in the formations of different musical projects in which he is included as a percussionist. In fact, in the last four years he has collaborated with various artists participating in different musical projects and in the production of recording and audiovisual products as percussionist and author and performer of soundtracks. In 2015 he brings to the theatres and squares the new solo music project entitled BADR (full moon) and with this work he arrives among the top 8 finalists out of 1,500 participants in the May Day concert contest in Rome. In 2017 she was a finalist at the Andrea Parodi Prize and in 2017 she released the album “Democratica”.
In 2018 he won the PYR INNOVATION LAB solo percussionist award at the 1000 Beats festival promoted by the European drum & percussion academy. In 2021 he released the solo album “Joca”.


Domenico Sterrantino, known as Mimì, was born in January 1984 on the banks of an icy river in northern Sweden, but only after a few months he moved to the warm coast of eastern Sicily in Castelmola, a charming village perched above Taormina. From his father, folk singer-songwriter, absorbs the passion for music and guitar: from his mother, Swedish, takes that cosmopolitan touch that allows him to combine the passion for the music of Sicilian folk songwriters, the love for international music. Spend hours and hours listening to everything from rock to Balkan, from folk songs to blues, from world music to Italian and American songwriters. At nineteen he began to compose his own songs, reworking the musical influences in a very original way, giving vigor to his compositions with his warm and deep voice. His songs vibrate with the controversial spirit of the best Italian songwriting tradition, the poetry of the great, the creative magic of a pure mind lined up against the contemporaries of contemporary society and fantastic worlds and adventures.

2024 | 15° Edition, Europe, Italy, Sicily