Hiram Salsano

Hiram Salsano was born in Agropoli (SA), Class ’88, he lives on the slopes of the Alburni mountains, in a village of Cilento, he is trained as a performer of the movement, among the various experiences he studies at the free University of Dornach (Basel, CH) Euritmia, at the Eurythmeum Zuccoli, participating in several masterclasses held by various European euritmists: V. Barfod, A. Ehrlich, M. Hitsch, M. Solstad. At the same time his study interests focus on traditional dances and music of Southern Italy, deepening those Campane.
Since 2005 she is an independent ethnographic researcher, her attention is focused on the repertoire of oral tradition of the Italian South and on two specific areas of Campania: Monti Lattari (NA) and Monti Alburni (SA). Since 2007 he has held workshops in Europe, of traditional dances of Southern Italy. He plays in various traditional music formations and participates in various events and events, in France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy. Winner, in 2010 of the “Marca Eurofolk” with the trio ‘A voce Stesa. Finalist, in solo, of Ethnos Generazioni in 2022.
She works in an experimental way on the voice as an instrument and plays drums in the frame of southern Italy (tammorra and tamburello). Since 2022 she has been involved in a personal world music project. In 2023 he released his first album “Bucolica” anticipated by the release of “Tarantà” videoclip. The album was included among the first ten albums on the Transglobal World Music Chart and in the top twenty of the World Music Charts Europe, as well as in the top three of Mundofonìas in May 2023. Album of the Year by Blogfoolk redazione 2023. Awarded the recognition of the international jury at the Parodi Prize 2023. Winner of the Loano Prize for traditional Italian music, in the category young people.

2024 | 15° Edition, Campania, Europe, Italy