Ensemble Mystikòs

Maurizio Maiorana narration and sung speeches
Mario Crispi archaic and ethnic wind instruments, laptop, voice
Enzo Rao Camemi electric violin, oud
Giuseppe Lomeo prepared guitar
Maurizio Curcio Chapman Stick, laptop
Nino Errera drums, percussion

Musical direction Mario Crispi


Mystikòs, is an ensemble of Palermo originally born within the homonymous musical poetic review, already realized in various editions, and is based on some compositions and musical atmospheres, poetic writings, ancient and modern tales aimed at a mystical dimension, archaic, ancestral, or in any case related to the nourishment of the soul, produced and conceived in Sicily or in relation to it and in particular to Palermo and its vicissitudes, even contemporary.
The musical project is therefore born from the desire to induce the listener not only to dwell on some musical and poetic genres, generally marginalized by mass culture, bearers of meanings and content useful to an inner reflection and not superficial, but also focus on compelling and current issues. The musical proposal presented is in fact the result of individual research inspired by sounds, atmospheres, environments and issues that have always characterized and transversally Mediterranean cultures and peoples. In this sense, the Sicilian people is, without doubt, among the most involved by the mixture of ethnicities, history and traditions, with one foot in the magical world and another.
The Ensemble Mystikos thus represents the suggestion of a path that connects different artistic personalities but which in reality refer to the same human universe, imbued with yearning for a higher dimension, a peaceful and culturally high life. A deep relationship with sounds and their emotional surface, with the more or less evident traces of both a remote past and a contemporary current, as well as the relationships with their own historical and geographical existence.

2024 | 15° Edition, Europe, Italy, Sicily