Cesare Basile & Compagnia Giovanna Velardi

Cesare Basile and the Giovanna Velardi Company present the first study of the “Rutata” project. A work in which music and contemporary dance confront the theme of rotation/iteration in traditional and non-traditional contexts. The project will unfold in the coming months through the study and reinterpretation of the ancient traditional art of the Sicilian stick.

Cesare Basile, a guitarist, singer-songwriter, and writer from Catania, has been active in the Italian and international music scene since 1987 with numerous bands (Candida Lilith, Kim Squad, Quartered Shadows). Since 1994, he has followed the path of the singer-songwriter, publishing over 10 albums in his name, always representing a “dissident” and independent voice in the Sicilian, Italian, and international cultural landscape. He has collaborated with many prominent national and international artists such as Nada, After Hours, Hugo Race, John Bonnair, John Parish, Terakaft, and many others. In addition to musical practice, he engages in political and social activism, builds musical instruments, and practices the discipline of the Sicilian stick, guided by Maestro Alfio Di Bella.

Giovanna Velardi, a choreographer and dancer of Sicilian origin, is the artistic director of PinDoc and the multidisciplinary festival Prima Onda organized by Genia LabArt. She graduated from the National Academy of Dance in Rome. Since the late 90s, she has worked between France and Italy, collaborating with numerous artists and choreographers, from representatives of “nouvelle danse” like Geneviève Sorin to video artists like Dominik Barbier, to theatrical directors like Vincenzo Pirrotta and Fausto Paravidino. She has created more than thirty pieces with the support of institutions and has been an artist in residence at important theaters and choreographic centers including the Centre Chorégraphique National D’Orléans, Scenario Pubblico in Catania, and Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini in Palermo. From her inclination to work on improvisation, exploring the pulsional qualities of movement, arises the research from which she developed the method called “the articulate heart” for dancers and actors.

Europe, Italy, Puglia, United Kingdom, Winter Session | 12° Edition | 2021